Knotism: A Rational Philosophy
Last edited 12/13/2024
A Trefoil knot has three lobes but is one solid piece. It can’t be untied without cutting it.
Likewise, reality as humans experience it has three interconnected aspects. Mind, Body and Soul. For our purpose I’m defining ‘soul’ as our interpersonal connections.
And like the trefoil knot, one lobe cannot exist without the other two:
Where did we come from?
Life on earth first began around 4.5 billion years ago. Human evolution diverged from the other great apes approximately 4 million years ago. For hundreds of thousands of years humans existed solely in small hunter-gatherer tribes. All Humans still fundamentally crave this social structure based on mutual aid.
Why are we here?
To savor and celebrate our existence together.
What happens after you die?
Mortality is as essential to what makes us human as eating and breathing. Denial of this devalues human existence.
However. We are all shaped by and in turn shape the lives of those around us and live on in the shape our society takes.
What are Knotism's opinions on other philosophies or religions?
Knotism is incompatible with any system of belief that claims to reward its followers with immortality or any that condones hatred or violence.
What is the purpose of this philosophy?
To provide a supportive community to like minded individuals.
Knotism: The Basics
Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.
Possibly the core reason for the development of Knotism. Man was not meant to toil in solitude. Humans are social creatures. We have been since long before we’ve been human. Having regular social contact with peers is as essential to human existence as food and water. Many attempt to fill this void using various social media platforms but this ultimately leaves us all unsatisfied, frustrated and alone.
A sound mind in a sound body, is a short, but full description of a happy state in this world.
Knottism focuses heavily on maintaining personal mental health. We recognize the importance of utilizing mental health professionals as needed as well as necessary self care.
There is also a heavy focus on celebrating the importance of both the pursuit of higher education as well as self-study.
Millions of years of adaptation to a ruggedly physical existence did not just go away because desks were invented.
The physical aspect of Knotism is focused around the acceptance that as far as can be known, humans do not live forever and the internalization that maintaining a regular personal fitness routine alongside healthy nutrition practices will add years to your life and life to your years.
Personal fitness however is, without a doubt a deeply, well, personal and... subjective subject.
Knotism is not just for people who are big into personal fitness. It is for anybody who recognizes that their physical health plays an essential role in their entire existence.